Inspiration – Scout Outdoor Code

Given so much of Troop 260’s time is spent in the outdoors, we take the Scouting Outdoor Code seriously. Our State and the wider places we visit offer huge natural riches and we want to ensure that while we enjoy them, we do so responsibly and with future visitors in mind.

The Code asks us to be, amongst other things, conservation minded.

Those of us looking for inspiration of what being conservation minded can achieve, may enjoy this short film about this Texas Fried Chicken mogul turned landscape restoration pioneer.

[su_youtube url=””]

The increasing importance of Scouting

[su_quote cite=”The Economist, 27 Jan 2018″]The number of megacities with populations of more than 10m has doubled to 29 in the past 20 years, and each year nearly 80m people are moving from rural to urban areas[/su_quote]
Our Troop has a focus on being outside: on hiking, backpacking, canoeing. We consider a high-adventure, outdoor experience to be fundamental to scouting.

At least every month we have a weekend away. In the summer our 50-miler and attendance at Camp Hi-Sierra last for a whole week.

Seeing the above statistics on a rapidly urbanizing society, I imagine what we offer as a Troop becoming ever more important.

If you aren’t already taking part, do join us! New scouts and family members are always welcome. If you are already involved – see you next month for Henry Coe 😀

New Year – new website

For almost a decade, stalwart T260 supporter Nic Matulich had been building and maintaining out website. After indicating recently that he was keen for someone else to take a turn, I thought it would also be a good chance to refresh the site.

Some stuff changes, some starts the same. The site is still hosted using an online service (but today it is called ‘the cloud’ 😋). By switching to WordPress I hope to provide better separation between content and Infrastructure. This will enable Scouts and parents to contribute content (posts, page edits) without needing access to the underlying site.

The sure also uses a theme that is designed to scale from desktop to smartphone – something that wasn’t a consideration even 10 years ago.

More to come. Stay tuned.