Trip Report: Canoe Skills – Shoreline, 230827

It’s been a while – over a year for most of us, and for some their very first time!

Canoeing is back – wooooooooooo.

2023/24 is another canoeing year for the Troop and to make sure that we get every up to speed as fast as possible, whether old hands that are bit rusty, or complete newbies, skills sessions form a key part of the early trips. Shoreline is close by and makes an easy half day trip to do some basics: throw rope rescues, paddles, packing and loading, and some on-water time.

Of course, we also go over BSA Safety Afloat, just like we do at the start of any waterbourne adventure.

Junior Leadership Training : 230819

After last year’s donut:scout ratio of 15:1, this year, JLT was a much more management 1 1/2 : 1

The scouts listened patiently to some tips and guidance around leadership – and what it means for them, in our troop, and more generally. The morning was peppered with activities and interactive bits too which kept people engaged and reenforced the material we covered.

At the end, the scouts captured their ideas and associated actions for tweaking the focus of the program over the coming years.

New Troop Leaders – 2023 Elections

This week, the scouts voted on their new Senior Patrol Leader and their new Patrol Leaders for the year ahead.

Huge thanks to outgoing SPL of 2 terms, Emily C. Welcome to the new team:

SPL – Matthew L.
ASPLs – Isabella D., Bryson M.

PLs – Gabby L., Pierce R., Josh A. + Cruz D. (our first shared PL position!)

Outgoing SPL prepares for the transition of power
Scoutmaster announcing the results
The new L-Team is immediately installed!