After 16 hours over two days, James took 9 adults (Marion, Phil, Kathy, Stan, Gavin, Glenn, Ram, Tristan and Scott [CPR only]) and 5 scouts (Alia, Bryson, Aidan, Pierce, Maanasa) through their wilderness first aid and CPR course.
Policy requires us to have a WFA trained adult on any high-adventure trip. As a troop we like to #BePrepared and have several.
The training was highly relevant and relatable for the activities we do and risks we may encounter. A sampling of memorable facts below:
HAFE (high-altitude flatus expulsion) – or Excessive farting – or may be a sign of altitude sickness
Eagle Scout 110 – and Troop 260’s first female Eagle!
After a blistering ~2 year run through her ranks, supported by a lifetime of scouting involvement and years attending and then staffing at Camps, Bella sealed her Eagle Rank on 11 July 2021. Family and friends and scouts were present in great numbers to celebrate with her.
Of course, not being content with just an Eagle Rank, Bella also squeezed in 2 Eagle Palms. Bravo.
Covid health guidelines had eased sufficiently for us to be able to follow Troop tradition and hold the event at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Willow Glen, with cake and snacks and drinks in the hall afterwards.
It’s over for another year! It’s been 2 years since the troop’s ‘annual’ visit to CHS. We had 20 scouts this year, along with seven adults providing coverage through the week. It was a hugely successful event with all scouts gaining screeds of merit badges, 6 Saga rank advancements and 5 specially nominated awards (4 Honor Patrol black beads, Dope Cope Rope climbing honor).
It is with mixed feelings I report that Troop 260 regained its traditional place of a complete no-showing in the camp wide games leaderboard (knots aside – we monstered that one). But, as always, we competed with tremendous heart and had fun!
Throughout the week, in between the dust clouds, the lost water bottles, the misplaced scout shirts, ‘lost’ backpacks, and occasional sliced finger, much fun was had. Our youngest scouts made great progress on advancement through their early ranks, along with gaining new skills and their first merit badges. Our more experienced scouts undertook some service projects, and helped other scouts review and complete requirements, and navigate CHS roles.
We had one of our largest continents ever at the polar bear 6:00 a.m. swim (the water was MUCH warmer than 2019 probably had a lot to do with this). Our stewards of the day set the table, cleared food, and ensured everybody was well fed.
You can see the many pictures below that tell the story better than I can here.
Thanks must go first to our scouts for putting their energy into the program and all the achievements they gained and experiences they had. Supporting them are large list of people:
all our adult leadership at the camp during the week – Donald, Cheryl, John, Vince, Kathy, Phil, Sarah).
our scoutmaster Scott, and Carolyn Calzia who planned and admin’d the trip
All of our drivers (Denver, Richard, Tiffany, Ram, Sudha, Glenn, Whitney, Amie, Dave, Phil, Kathy, Cheryl, Ivo, Kelli, Sarah, John) especially the ones who drove up and down in a single day!
John and others for attending many of the CHS briefs and safety protocols evolved over the past 6 months
and, of course, all the amazing CHS staff under Bruce, Nate and Conover for making this happen; they are truly amazing.
We leave behind 2 scouts who are joining 2 already there as Counsellors in Training (Emily, and Richard joining Niko and Enzo). And 1 staff member (Harris).
Troop 260 has signed up for week 1 of camp in 2022 – June 26 to July 2. Mark your diaries now!