Trip Report: Sugar Loaf 2412

It was the second trip to Sugarloaf State Park for our troop. A relatively new destination for us, nestled between Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley. The area has been recovering from fire damage that occurred a few years ago and we were pleased to see mother nature taking care of things and new growth taking over slowly. It’s very important for all of us to witness this recovery and support it.

We began our adventure on a relatively cold December morning. 5 chirpy scouts and 8 enthusiastic adults, set off on about a 2.5-hour journey north, crossed the beautiful and ever welcoming Golden Gate Bridge, with the fog rolling in over the mountains. A quick break at the Chevron gas station and then we were off on our way again. We reached the park relatively early and after a quick check and chat with the park officials we set off on a hike up to Bald Mountain. It was a pretty decent hike up, covering around 1500 ft of elevation. The scouts led by our lead Nandana kept us going up at a steady pace and soon we were 3 miles into our hike and decided to break for lunch just before the summit. A delicious lunch which consisted of tortilla wraps, filled with humus, salad, cheese and deli meats gave us the necessary boost to keep going. At the peak we got to see amazing vistas of both valleys and the endless series of cascading peaks all around. Absolute paradise!  A few quick group pics later, we began our descent to our campsite. 

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Over the past couple of trips, we have coined what is soon becoming a new phrase in our troop lingo. It’s called the “Denver Mile”. What is this Denver Mile you ask? Is it 2.5431 times an imperial mile? Does it account for elevation in any way? How about shaded versus open trails? Would we need poles to cover the distance? Can you chart it on a map? Well, while it’s not a replacement for a real map and compass (which everyone should have) …. what it really is, is a feeling, an assurance, that “we got this”. No matter the distance ahead, we will make it through together. It’s part of the spirit of our troop. It’s a mile filled with fun chatter and funny stories and encouragement. As we hiked along, we probably covered around 7-8 miles before we reached our campsite, beautifully located by a running stream and shaded by many trees. Right, with all that hiking, it was time to dig into dinner! The scouts had a wonderful fried rice on the menu, which was practiced before the trip, such that it turned out just right for the trip. Kudos to Gabby for pre planning and practicing the new recipe! The adults tucked into some precooked madras lentils, minute rice and some choco cookies for dessert. After dinner, the troop got together for a campfire. While it took us a bit of time to get the fire started, what happened next was pure magic … the troop began to sing! This was a new experience for me as I don’t remember T260 signing before. We were led into song, by drumroll please …. Mr. Clark. The other adults and a couple of scouts joined in, and it was such a delight. This opens up a whole new avenue for our future trips…. It’s something about the campfire….it brings out the best in us. We narrated stories about campfire songs and native traditions from our different cultures. We also learnt that Mr. Achilla has a very special place in his heart for Shakira as narrated by Mrs. Achilla!

We then safely put out the campfire and called it a night. It was a pretty chilly night, but everyone made it through with the calming sounds of the stream flowing by. The scouts were up bright and early, made their breakfast and were packed and ready a lot faster than the adults, who enjoyed a relaxed oatmeal breakfast with yummy toppings!

We then decided to hike down to the waterfall about a mile away. We enjoyed climbing the rocks near the waterfall. While there was some water flowing, I bet the waterfall will be much more delightful in early spring. After about an hour or so at the waterfall we got back into our caravan of cars and headed back home. Really proud and happy to see the scouts have a wonderful weekend. We were well led by our acting SPL Pierce and supported by his deputy Joshua. We hope to see more scouts and parents join us on the trips ahead as we get ready for the 50-miler next summer. Please give these trips a shot, I promise you won’t regret it. 

This trip was a wonderful trip, but also a milestone trip. This trip was the last trip that the Clarks would be on with Troop260 before they make their journey south to the “Shire”. Many of us have been fortunate to have the Clarks (Marion, Donald, Emily & Harris) around during our own scouting journeys and I must say it was a fun, happy & memorable journey. Their service to scouting and our troop will always be remembered. So, I bow to lady Marion and tip my hat to Donald. You will be missed….

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